Friday, January 14, 2011

Start Your Car With Your Smartphone!

If you're like the many consumers who already enjoy your vehicle's stock or aftermarket "remote start" feature, then you'll love this product...

With the "Smart Start Smartphone Car Starter" not only can you start your vehicle from virtually anywhere, but you can also adjust its heat, locate your vehicle through GPS, and lock/unlock your doors. It even sends you a confirmation to confirm your request has been completed.

This product ensures that you don't have to be within a certain range to perform the desired action, which can be helpful for people who live in concrete-based buildings, etc.

It's in stores now, so if you're in the market to spend $379.00 on this product, check out the full description at Future Shop's website.

Unrelated question of the day - do bitches really love penguins? Because if they do, I might have to pick up one of these hats...

Not to dampen anyone's mood, but if you leave your blog address in my comments, your comment will be deleted. Thanks.


  1. Once the price drops I'll get the smart phone system... and bitches love both penguins and smiley faces.

  2. oh hell ya. id be fucked tho, because my phone is always dead.

  3. i dunno what it is but that last picture.
    The guy reminds me of the dude from the milfhunter series.
    i really need to get out more.

  4. Ah, the smartphone. Pretty soon it'll be able to raise your children and scratch your ass for you, too.

    (Admittedly, I would totally use this, for a more reasonable price)

  5. Life would be a mistake without the SmartPhone!

  6. I dont even see the necessity of this, other than the GPS tacking if it gets stolen. Still neat, i guess.
    Also, bitches love penguins. Why else would March of the Penguins have been so successful?

  7. Wow too much of a price tag for something cheaper that will hang on my key ring.

  8. Keyless starters are a must if you live in a cold climate.

  9. i could see this becoming a common thing. seems like it's still a bit pricey though.

  10. keyless starters are great if you have a automatic

  11. One step towards Batmobiles for all

  12. I think that this is not a good idea

  13. That app looks really cool, makes me want an iphone ;D

  14. thanks for the comment. i'll be sure to follow you. deffo penguin man

  15. I tried hooking my car up to the clapper but it didn't work out to well...just ask my insurance agent. And, I think women will like all those hats...women dig weird crazy stuff like that.

  16. no no no... bitches love the raccoon hat... get your head outta your ass, cmon...

  17. i want to start my car with my thoughts

  18. lol hats are cool, and that sounds like a great app

  19. Lol know if someone steals your phone your double screwed!

  20. yeah for nearly $400 just so you can unlock the car by accident or it fucks up and you cant open your car. No thanks. Now if you find out someone else has it on your block and you hack that shit, theres a good use for it. You could roll out in your new free ride, penguin hat on pimping those Bitches! Only real G's wear penguin, Super G's wear Red Tail Fox.

  21. penquins = awesome

    I wonder how far people real take these apps, i mean what will there full potential be

  22. i subbed his blog
    blogger love subs

  23. i love penguins too, am i bitch? xD

  24. I've got a friend who did this to his car recently, his security system also is linked to his phone.

    And yes, bitches love penguins.

  25. Haha, this is like epitome of technology. And I guess i'm a bitch because I love penguins as well!

  26. stealing phones just took on a whole new level!
