Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Reliant Robin: What Were They Thinking?

In case the below picture doesn't make it incredibly obvious, I'll explain what sets this car apart from other cars - it only has THREE WHEELS! This vehicle has been manufactured under different names and by different companies from 1973 up to 2002. It has been a staple in British comedy, and I've located some videos that demonstrate why the Reliant Robin is a horrible vehicle. Check them out below!

Aside from the obvious difference which I've already pointed out, this vehicle weighs less than 1000lbs (450kg) and therefore qualifies to be insured under the same rates as a motorcycle. Mechanically speaking, the engine is in the front of the car near the wheel. Don't worry, it's not front wheel drive! The engine drives the rear axle.

Those of you who used to watch Mr. Bean (I still do, the show is f*cking awesome) may best remember this vehicle as the blue three-wheeled car that Mr. Bean would always mess around with. It's actually a Reliant Regal which is the model that proceeded the Robin, but they look very similar and both have a problem with tipping over. I found a clip on Youtube for those who want to refresh their memory!

If anyone here watches the British show Top Gear, you may recall Jeremy Clarkson taking a Reliant Robin on a test drive... and it didn't go very well. Here's the video!

Overall, this car was just marketed towards people who valued economic value over the safety of themselves and their passengers. I'm glad it was never introduced in North America, and I'm glad that the manufacturers finally chose to cease production in 2002. However, I love laughing at its purely ridiculous design flaws and lack of safety.

What do you guys think?


  1. Hahaha nice video man, those cars are brutal

  2. Oh god Mr. Bean. I loved the first Mr. Bean movie.

  3. seems unstable... and... childish?

  4. "marketed towards people who valued economic value over the safety of themselves and their passengers. I'm glad it was never introduced in North America"

    oh don't worry, we have smart cars in America, and they are built just as unsafely. Driving one in a highway is a deathwish.

  5. I've always hated Mr. Bean just because of how he looks ;_;

  6. I want a Reliant Robin now. I would do what ever I could to flip the bastard and make it so this car never sees a good day!

  7. I remember that exact Mr Bean episode, I always wondered why someone would make such car e__e

  8. seemed like a good idea at the time...

  9. The idea is that you don't need a driver's license to drive one because they're classed as motorcycles here in the UK (because they only have three wheels). That's why they were popular!

  10. It's reliant in the way that you can always rely on it to suck and tip over. xD

  11. looks funny but i wouldn't drive it :)

  12. I reely like your post!
    I follow you dayle!nice work Bro!

  13. Hmmm, well if I were to give a professional opinion, I would just say that the care is just a little ... .EPIC FAIL !!! ???

  14. i havent been so much online lately,,but now I will visit you every day..:)

  15. Less than 4 wheels for a car is not enough. Or they should call it a bike.

  16. ehhhehe definitly and whacky car worth losing in history!

  17. I cna't stop laughing, I wanna that car xD
    If I can talk about car.

    Man, I'm back, maybe you'll be interested with my new post.

  18. Hilarious, I want one so I can put a decal on the side that sez "Super HO". Whooo whoooo!

  19. Screw the car, give me more Mr. Bean!

    It was scary going around a roundabout! It was a sickly yellow colour. Smelled funny.

  21. holy shit that would be hilarious watching people try to drive that thing in California.
