Friday, November 5, 2010

Vehicle Inspection Laws

Everyone sees vehicles during their daily commute which simply aren't suitable for the road, either due to lack of maintenance (i.e. squealing wheel bearings) or because they're in overall poor condition.

I live in British Columbia, Canada, where there are no mandatory annual or bi-annual vehicle inspections required. We do, however, have AirCare, but this program only calculates whether or not your car is meeting the government's emissions standards.

I found a video today that demonstrates the kinds of vehicles that are  being legally driven, and the obvious risk that these vehicles pose to other motorists and pedestrians.

I applaud the States and Provinces that require mandatory vehicle inspections in order to put insurance on a vehicle. I realize the video depicts a rather extreme example, but what if you're driving down the highway and the driver of this Tiburon is driving beside you? Judging from the obvious lack of maintenance on his vehicle, his tire could easily blow which could cause him or her to veer into your vehicle, and cause an "accident". Hell, the whole wheel could even come off.

Police in my municipality seem more concerned with people who have after-market rims or loud stereos to notice vehicles like the one in the video.

In my opinion, vehicle inspections should be mandatory everywhere on at least a bi-annual basis to keep our insurance rates lower and prevent unnecessary crashes.

I'm curious to hear comments and thoughts on this subject. If you live in an area where these inspections are mandatory, do you feel it reduces crashes? And to the contrary, if your area does not require mandatory inspections, do you feel they should?


  1. Once I hear that the brakes let out this ungodly screech, it's not safe anymore. That's just me.

  2. ouch... anyone get cited for that?

  3. would like to read moar posts from you

  4. would like it too Home Alone Stoned.

  5. Constant safety checks seem pretty common sense to me. Dunno why all states don't have them...

  6. oh my god can that vehicle even run anymore? good god thats awful lol

  7. you should just push it off a cliff...

  8. I'm for inspections....dont want some asshole killing me on the road you know?
